First Hike (Walk) Of Spring


Alright people. It’s officially Spring. The vernal equinox is in our rear view and the snow storm has melted to mud (cue next snow storm). It may not feel or look like it outside, but in the near future you’ll be pulling your shorts out of an oversized tupperware container and stuffing all your wool socks and mittens in there instead. Let’s greet this spring with a relaxing walk. No need to find the perfect trail for a hike this weekend. Chances are, if it’s above freezing the trails will be full of thick, deep, kid-boot-swallowing-mud anyway.

This weekend open your front door and take that extended walk. Whether it’s a route you’d normally drive with your family into town for breakfast or a long, windy trek along the back roads of your neighborhood—just get out and go. If you are flying solo, perhaps an IPA at a local watering hole will be your destination…you never can tell with those wild and crazy…walks.

While you are out enjoy the low sun and the brisk air. Soon enough we will all be wishing it was cooler and talking about global warming again.

If you have kiddos with you use this checklist to record the signs of spring you see along the way. If you take the list with you each weekend for the next month, they’ll be able to see the changes emerge before their eyes!

Happy Spring!

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