Audibles: Aquarium Rescue Unit – Closing Thoughts

Boston is not a big place to us grown ups. You can pretty much walk from one end to the other without too much effort. But to the little ones, it’s huge. You could start every Saturday of your summer from the New England Aquarium and always find another goldmine for your kids to explore.

Who knows what they’ll be most jazzed by. It could be they find a shady spot in a park along your route that they love. Maybe they will be transfixed by the boats or the food trucks. Be on the lookout for these moments and when you see them, be flexible. Allow yourself to let them change the plans a little. Maybe lunch should be a picnic in that shady spot they found, or a few apps from different food trucks so they can really soak in that experience. Maybe you’ll dedicate extra time at the Boston Sailing Center to see if sailing is something they are really interested in and if it is, your next trip to Boston should be a visit to the Community Boating boathouse on the Charles, where kids as young as 10 can begin sailing classes.

Whatever happens, just be open to changing your plans – after all, you already changed theirs!

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