How To Cancel Your Aquarium Plans In Boston, MA

Photo Credit: Nimish Gorgi

Photo Credit: Nimish Gorgi

Adjust their sight line: Sometimes distraction is the best medicine

The audible has been made, you are canceling the original plans. You need to broach this with the clan, but if you do it while standing at the back of that ridiculous line, things are not going to go well.

Gather the kids and tell them excitedly, “I have a brilliant idea!”(Always Be Closing). Step out of line and walk them away from the aquarium and across the way and into…the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel (it’s the huge brick building to your right that runs perpendicular to the ocean). Walk in, straight through, and out the other side. Walk to the lemonade stand 22 feet in front of you and buy a lemonade for the kids. Kids love lemonade.

Tip: There is a “for guests only” public bathroom on the second floor of the Marriott Long Wharf. This may be the best bathroom opportunity you’ll have for awhile. Just go up the escalator, chat idly about the view from your room, and become that family visiting from Columbus, Ohio.

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